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St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More
Catholic Secondary School

Welcome to your future at St Thomas More

We prize and celebrate our Sixth Form Leaders.  We believe in your gifts, values and talents and we have much to look forward to with you as a central part of our community.  You will stand out as an individual in our Sixth Form with smaller class sizes and personalised tailored support for your learning and future pathways.

We offer supportive tutors, a varied enrichment programme, and academic progression. The Sixth Form students take an active role within the life of the school with their involvement in the Performing Arts, Sport Clubs, and Community Service. We have a tireless dedication to improving the standards of academic achievement for our students and a passionate commitment to their success through a culture of high expectation and aspiration.

Our Mission as a school means that we are determined to create ‘outstanding leaders’ to shape our local and wider community. Our contract to you focuses on the pursuit of excellence, it is our challenge to enable you to achieve your potential and beyond.


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An Introduction into Sixth Form 


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Entry Requirements 


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If you are not currently at St Thomas More Secondary School and would like to book an appointment to come for an after school tour please do get in touch  here.

Below are a few sound clips from former students reflecting on their experiences here.

@stthomas6th On Twitter

  • Super work @daisysmithmedia another one of our fabulous ex students

  • Jake Sampson, newly elected candidate for Newnham, a former student of STM, came for a breakfast meeting with 6th students. He came with Mayor Dave Hodgson and Alex Williams a political Grad student. Students at STM are keen to have a voice.

  • 6th form students take the opportunity to question Alistair Burt and his office manager and wife Eve, talking about local issues that affect Bedford. Issues relating to knife crime, homelessness and the National Health service and issues regarding climate change #Questiontime

  • Film afternoon at STM for our fabulous 6th form.

  • It’s a CAFOD mad hair day at STM in Bedford, fundraising for a worthy cause. Good hair days make you feel fabulous

  • Students from STM year 12 and yr 11 attended a careers event held at Bedford Hospital. The Pathology department presented an engaging and informative day. Opening options in Bio Medical Sciences with the science behind the cure.

  • The fabulous students in STM6th form performed carols at Kimbolton Lodge today and were amazing. The residents sang along and the students sang beautifully. I am really proud of the group who gave their time and commitment. Have a great Christmas.

  • STM6th sporting their Christmas jumpers with flashing lights and ho ho ho headbands. Mock exams are over and students are really getting into the festive spirit.

  • Some of our 6th form Elves waiting to hand over the gifts to the SVP local charity

  • Students at STM 6th get into the spirit of giving, supporting families in Bedford, making a difference this Christmas.

  • Another great fundraising event for #MacmillanCoffeeMorning with staff and students making it such a happy, worthwhile event. £326.44 and counting Thank you to all who baked

  • Well done, the all girl team at the #UniversityChallenge regional heat today. They nailed the maths, geography, history and chemistry questions. They tied for third place but achieved another 10 points after a remark. There was talk of a wild card. An excellent performance

  • The only site where you can find all the past papers + mark schemes you need in one place- so simple! #pastpapers #exams #GCSEexams #21stedchat #exampapers #GCSEs2018 #revision #revise #GCSEs #ALevels #ukedchat #edchat #educhat #lrnchat #examsuccess

  • How to thrive at secondary school: by students

  • A thorough and engaging day. Compression and bandaging skills covered

  • 6th formers at STM are learning how to do first aid. The training delivered by St Johns Ambulance will provide excellent skills for life. Thumbs up for first aid

  • STM 6th students hosting an English Literature workshop. Yr 13s supporting the yr12s. The students enjoying the limelight but also embedding their critical awareness.

  • Students delivering English Literature lectures to years 12 & 13 supporting exam preparation. The Dolls House, Rossetti poetry, The Handmaids Tale and 1984.

  • When you see your name up at the world famous Palladium can’t help but wonder how did all…

  • Christmas jumper day for students at St Thomas More 2017