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St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More
Catholic Secondary School

Please see below letters that have been sent home and other whole school information.


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  1. Letter to parents re Kooth
  2. End of term arrangements July 2019
  3. Update on recent safety concerns
  4. Adverse Weather
  5. All Schools warn and inform measles
  6. Allergies and Nuts
  7. Change in Assessment and Tracking
  8. Letter from the Head October 2019
  9. GL Assessments Years 7, 8 and 9
  10. Letter from the Head - December 2019
  11. Curriculum Update
  12. Emergency Procedures
  13. Allergies and Nuts - reminder Feb 2020
  14. Letter from the Head - February 2020
  15. MCAS - Late Notifications
  16. Big Bang Trip Cancellation
  17. COVID19 Letter to parents
  18. COVID19 update
  19. COVID19 update 17.3.20
  20. Access to online resources KS3 - in the event of school closure
  21. Access to online resources KS4 - in the event of school closure
  22. Access to online resources KS5 - in the event of school closure
  23. Parent Advice sheet - COVID
  24. Support-services-for-CYP-and-Families-letter-to-schools-and-families-1
  25. Wellbeing Flyer
  26. Parent Letter 20.04.2020
  27. Wellbeing Flyer 2
  28. Parent Letter 27.04.2020
  29. Wellbeing flyer 3
  30. Parent Letter 4.05.2020
  31. Wellbeing Flyer 4
  32. Parent Letter 12.5.2020
  33. Wellbeing Flyer 5
  34. BBC letter to parentsandcarers COVID-19_FINAL
  35. Letter from the Trust regarding Grades
  36. letter regarding arrangements for September 2020
  37. Parent Update 3 7 2020
  38. Year 11 and 13 Parental letter re Books
  39. End of term letter 17 7 2020
  40. How to wear a face covering
  41. letter regarding arrangements for September 03 09 20 (2)
  42. Ribbon Instructions
  43. Year Group Blazer Ribbons
  44. Year 7 Flu Immunisation Programme
  45. Parent Communication - Local Incident
  46. Parent letter - Ofsted
  47. Letter to Parents Re: facemasks 23 9 20
  48. Covid update - Bedford Borough
  49. Parent Communication - Face Masks Oct 2020
  50. Parent Letter 11.09.20
  51. 201020 Letter to Parents from Bedford Borough Council Director of Public Health
  52. Parent Letter - 22.10.20
  53. Back to your future Yr 11-13
  54. Career Broadcasts - Yr10-13
  55. Parent Communication - lockdown and facemasks reminder
  56. Parent Communication - Early close letter to 7-10 and 12-13
  57. Final Letter to Parents FSM Vouchers
  58. 201216 Parent carer ltr from the Director of Public Health re Home Testing
  59. End of term Christmas 2020 - testing arrangements (002)