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St Thomas More Catholic Secondary School

St Thomas More
Catholic Secondary School

We are committed to providing a Catholic Education which endeavours to:

  • Keep Christ at its heart. Living and being a witness to the Gospel values of Jesus. Being a place where Gospel values inspire all that we do. So that all pupils can know and develop their relationship with God.
  • Develop the formation and dignity of every human person. Just like Vatican II talks about the “Godlike seed” which has been sown in all people. (Gaudium et Spes: We strive to develop a rounded education, which is the growth of all aspects of a person including academic excellence and developing Catholic virtues which develop our young people into valuable members of our society. Raymond Friel OBE (2015) encourages leaders in Catholic schools:
    • to sow : finding each child’s original gift,
    • accompany : supporting our young people along their journey,
    • educate: creating conditions where our young people can flourish
    • form : help young people grow in their faith and identity
    • discern: helping our young people make effective choices.
  • Be a community that is concerned with the common good (the needs of all in our society particularly those who are in need). Be outward facing, supporting those in our local, national and global community who need our help.

“It is to secure such an education for all pupils who attend Catholic schools, that the bishops of England and Wales have always been committed to the inspection and oversight of their schools” (Catholic Schools Inspectorate:2023:2)

Second Vatican Council, Gaudium et Spes, “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World”, 3. Found at

Friel, R, 2015, How to Survive in leadership in a Catholic School, Redemptorist Publications.

Catholic Schools Inspectorate, 2023, Inspection Handbook, found online Inspection documents | Catholic Schools Inspectorate

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